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Craig Howe
Profile Updated:October 30, 2009
Residing In:
Portland, OR USA
We have 3 kids: Tyler is an Engineering student at Oregon State University, Katy is a senior at La Salle More…Prep and plans to study nutrition, and Garrett is a freshman at La Salle.
We have lived in Portland, OR since 1988, after graduating from ISU in 1984, and the University of Iowa Dental School in 1988. I have my own general dental practice in Happy Valley, OR.
Golfing, watching Iowa, Iowa State, and Oregon State football, Portland Trailblazer basketball,and St. Louis Cardinal baseball, working out, drinking fine microbrews.
Do you still see/talk to/hang out with any classmates? Who?
Seaton, Red, Brue, Buzz, Chad, Catus Bros., Rick Dut, Chucky Carr, Zak, Billy G. We all get together every other year for fishing, golf, and BS up in Northern Minnesota.