Jerilyn Ellis Neely

Profile Updated: November 20, 2009
Residing In: roland, IA USA
Spouse/Partner: Russ
Children: Mallory lives in Ames and is currently a registered nurse at Mary Greeley Medical Center.

Morgan More…lives at home and is finishing her degree at Iowa State University.

Mackenzie has just started her first year at College in Sioux City at Morningside. She received an academic scholarship and athletic scholarship playing softball.
Yes! Attending Reunion
Occupation / Where you work:

I've been in the Real Estate business since 1994. I currently work in Ames at RE/MAX Real Estate Center. Those of you needing any real estate needs please do not hesitate to call me!


We currently have a 11 year old cocker spaniel and an 8 week old Blue Heeler.


None yet.

Update us on your life since graduation:

Russ and I have been in Roland 17 years now. I did work as an LPN right after high school but went into real estate in 1992. Russ is employeed by the DOT and works out of the Williams shop.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am on 2 bowling leagues in Story City. I currently am a council woman for the City of Roland. We will be trying to hit Mackenzies softball games come next spring.

Do you still see/talk to/hang out with any classmates? Who?

Keep in contact with Julie Woodworth. Talk with Rhonda Thurman every now and then. Terri Rogge lives in Story City and her daughter Mckenna and my daughter Mackenzie graduated high school together this last May. They played Basketball and softball together thru high school. So we see Terri also.
I keep in touch with Kris Peters shes in the mortgage buisness.

Favorite high school memory:

I remember going to prom with Brad Beeman and ending up at the park with a bottle of booze getting caught and the police making us dump it out. Oh and the time we went to Perkins after a night out and Mike Dunn vomiting in the booth. Those were the days.........

Share an interesting adventure, accomplishment or place you visited:

I was the Mayor of Roland for a year and a half!!!! I stepped down as acting mayor and took a council seat (so I could vote) and have been on council now going on 4 years.

How often do you get back to Ames? Do you still have family there?

My father passed away 3 years ago from Lou Gehrigs disease. My mom still lives in Ames and my sister Julie and her family.

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